2025 Phrase: Less but better

I knew a guy once who seldom drank, but when he did, it was single malt scotch. His motto was, “Drink less, drink better.”

Going into the new year, that is my guiding phrase: Less, but better.

Fewer, better projects. Fewer, but better, articles published. Fewer, but better, income streams.

Less, but better, work.

On this first day of 2025, here is what I’m thinking about: What do I want to do more of? What do I want to do less of? How do I want to show up in the world? What are things that, if I did them, I would be glad that I did?

Here is an incomplete list of intentions I have for 2025 (That’s the first time I’ve typed that - how wild is it that we are a quarter of the way through this century?)

Less, but better.